The Allotment Market Stall

Funding applied for: £13590


Participatory Budgeting Fund

About this project

We wish to install a self composting toilet at Grove Nursery for all nursery users. This toilet means that older people, children, people with mobility issues and people with specific conditions will be able to use the site as currently there is no toilet provision at all.

This improvement to the site will benefit all users for years to come and will be maintained by the groups responsible for the Grove Nursery Community. 

The type of toilet we hope to install has high environmental credentials and the waste can later be used on flowerbeds when it is fully composted. 

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Funding received:


We propose to purchase and kit-out an electric vehicle as an interactive mobile Climate Change exhibit, along with graphics to explain the benefits of switching to electric and illustrate the reduction in our carbon footprint.

Funding received:


[Listed as Camphill Medical Practice Ltd. in the voting list] - We need your support to buy an electric vehicle to transport disadvantaged people, including those with mental and physical ill health, to our COMPASS project so they can access therapeutic gardening, cooking classes and skills development opportunities.

Funding received:


As our services are more needed than ever, we want to do our bit to use sustainable and renewable energy while serving our community by changing our fleet to electric vans.