ACVO Opportunities

Submit an event

Submitting an event to our community calendar is free of charge! Simply complete the form below, remembering to submit an image alongside the details, and we can help spread the word.

Submission guidelines

*Please submit a landscape image so we can best share your event on social media and in our bulletin – 1200 x 628 pixels is the perfect ratio! We might have to cut any images that don’t meet these requirements

What kind of events can I submit?

As we are the Third Sector Interface for Aberdeen City, we want to provide a space for third and voluntary sector organisations as well as community groups to share their forthcoming events. These could be anything from community gatherings, meetings, volunteer days, training events, workshops, talks, charity sales, fundraising events, exhibitions and everything inbetween!


What information do I need to provide?

Please provide as much detail as you can about the event, times, location, organiser details as well as a great description will all help when promoting your event further in our newsletters and social media!

Also, if your event is online remember to include links for Eventbrite if people need to book or details of where Teams/Zoom meeting can be joined.

Images are also required when submitting events, a 16:9 landscape aspect works best 1200 x 628 pixels is ideal to ensure your image is of good quality and doesn’t blur). Try to provide an image that captures your event or organisation or even your logo will work fine if you dont have an image.


Is there any cost involved?

No, it is completely free to submit your event to the calendar. Fill out the form below and it will be added after review.


Can I amend the details of my event after I submit?

Of course! Just email with the details and we can amend your event.


Can I submit recurring events?

Yes, recurring events are welcome but we will only inlude 4 instances of any one event before resubmission is required – e.g. if you have an activity which runs at the same time every week please just submit for the next month in order to keep information accurate and up to date.


Submit your event

Events will be added following review, usually within 24 hours of submission. Remember to upload an image and include any meeting links for online events  – see the FAQ above for further details.