Support for community projects in Torry and Cove, applications open September 2024
Support for community projects in Torry & Cove
The Communities and Coast Fund is a fund of an initial £100,000 per year to support projects in the Torry and Cove areas of Aberdeen in the pilot year with commitment to further funding in future. The Fund is held by the ETZ (Energy Transition Zone) and will be managed by Aberdeen’s Third Sector Interface, ACVO TSI.
ACVO have over 20 years’ experience working in the city as the central hub of knowledge relating to the local third sector and has a strong reputation in fund management and delivery.
The Fund will be opening in September 2024 for organisations and community groups who are based and do work in Torry and Cove. The recipients of the Fund will be decided by a process called Participatory Budgeting (PB) meaning that residents of Torry and Cove will decide which projects will be successful through an online voting process.
ACVO has previous experience in delivering a fund through the process of Participatory Budgeting with the Scottish Government Just Transition PB Fund – follow the link below to find out more about how that fund worked and how with PB, local communities were invited to play a key role in the decision making process.
Delivering the fund
The first year of the Fund we will be particularly welcoming applications from groups who represent children, young people and families and older people. There will be 2 levels of funding available up to £3000 and up to £10,000. The funding will be for capital projects, such as the purchasing of equipment or items.
Applications are welcomed from all kinds of third sector organisations and also unconstituted community groups who have ideas they want to put into action.
The fund will be opening for applications in late September and more information will be added to this page in due course. In the meantime if you have any questions please get in touch with ACVO TSI Development Officer, Sarah Irvine.
The 6 pillars of the Community & Coast Fund
As well as being very focused on community growth, the Fund also has natural biodiversity, net zero targets and heritage as some of the key aims behind projects it looks to facilitate. Projects should be linked to at least one of the following 6 pillars…
Increasing local biodiversity and providing more opportunities for people both living and working in the area to enjoy the natural environment.
Prioritising and providing clear pathways for local people to access support training and jobs associated with the energy transition within the energy transition zone.
Creating opportunities for shared learning with the community in terms of delivering net zero providing targeted support through education and action-based initiatives.
Improving access to and facilities within recreational areas to provide a greater range of wellbeing and play opportunities for use by the community.
Supporting local young people to thrive and creating opportunities for the next generation to engage meaningfully with the future of their community.
Working with the community to improve facilities linkages interpretation and wayfinding to encourage local people and visitors to learn about and experience the rich history and culture of the area.
Latest news and updates from the Community & Coast Fund
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More information coming soon…
More information will follow about the fund ahead of the launch in late September. If you would like to keep up to date and be first to hear when applications go live, please sign up to the ACVO mailing list. When you sign up, as well hearing Community & Coast Fund, you will also receive all the latest news and community updates from the wider third sector in Aberdeen!