Camphill Wellbeing Trust: COMPASS Project

Funding applied for: £38053.95


Participatory Budgeting Fund

About this project

We need your support to buy an electric vehicle to transport disadvantaged people, including those with mental and physical ill health, to our COMPASS project so they can access therapeutic gardening, cooking classes and skills development opportunities. 

COMPASS is a ground-breaking, community-orientated project to sustainably transform a previously disused 4.1 acre site rich in natural beauty and historic value into an innovative exemplar hub for sustainable, healthy living. The vision is to develop a unique community-accessible site focussed on practical solutions that improve mental and physical wellbeing in an environmentally sustainable way. 

The project will also improve skills, knowledge and employability through training, skills sharing and connecting people.  

We want to spark behavioural change towards a more sustainable city, deliver therapeutic activities to improve mental and physical health and create real change for those that need it most.  

Your vote will help us support more people while combatting climate change 

IMPORTANT: On the voting menu, we are listed under our business name: Camphill Medical Practice Ltd TA Camphill Wellbeing Trust

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