9th Aberdeen Scout Group

Funding applied for: £30000


Participatory Budgeting Fund

About this project

The 9th Aberdeen Scout Group is a youth led organisation in the Broomhill area of Aberdeen. Our members are passionate about improving our impact on the climate. They want our Scout Group to head towards Net Zero and be the Scout Group with the lowest climate impact in Aberdeen! 
Our biggest use of energy is in heating and lighting our Scout Hut and in travelling to and from the hut.  
We want to replace our old roof and walls which have no insulation with modern highly fuel efficient materials.  
We want to replace our old single glazed windows with modern highly fuel efficient double glazing. 

We want to replace our old inefficient lighting with modern low energy usage lighting. 

We want to encourage users to cycle to and from the hut by installing cycle lock infrastructure. 

We need your help on our journey to fuel efficiency! 

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Funding received:


Help Greyhope Bay be a zero-waste to landfill visitor attraction and keep Aberdeen's favourite dolphin viewing site litter free! Your vote will help upgrade our facility to support our zero-waste ambition that aims to teach better habits to protect our precious marine environment.

Funding received:


The Friends of Westfield Park are seeking funding for storage to hold our tools and equipment (with a “green roof”), gazebos for holding community events in all weathers; and interpretive panels & signage to help people identify and learn about the wildflowers and wildlife in the park.

Funding received:


As our services are more needed than ever, we want to do our bit to use sustainable and renewable energy while serving our community by changing our fleet to electric vans.