Alcohol and Drugs Action

Funding applied for: £29000


Participatory Budgeting Fund

About this project

‘Sharp Response’ provides a daily mobile crisis outreach service targeted to those alcohol/drug users deemed to be at highest risk.  The service goes to the individual wherever they are, rather than waiting for the individual to come to the service and so we are requesting funds for an electric car to make our service more sustainable. The project provides amongst other interventions; safe needle-exchange (including provision of naloxone to help prevent fatal overdose), blood-borne virus testing, sexual health input, and it directly addresses various hardship needs of both clients and their families.  This involves access to emergency food parcels, and practical help with re-establishing communication with other services/family. 

Further outcomes may include ‘wellbeing’ checks, support to access/re-engage health (and alcohol/drug treatment) services, as well as working with other agencies to swiftly secure positive outcomes for what is an extremely marginalised and stigmatised group.  This work is vital as with the cost-of-living crisis and other pressures, those already disadvantaged, are likely to be further affected. 

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Funding received:


We wish to install a self composting toilet at Grove Nursery for all nursery users. This toilet means that older people, children, people with mobility issues and people with specific conditions will be able to use the site as currently there is no toilet provision at all.

Funding received:


We are hopeful to purchase an electric minibus for use in the community of Tillydrone. We aim to provide services for vulnerable/disabled adults/children, elderly folks & low income families.

Funding received:


As our services are more needed than ever, we want to do our bit to use sustainable and renewable energy while serving our community by changing our fleet to electric vans.