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ACVO News September 2024

Read ACVO News – our monthly free digital magazine with updates, opportunities and highlights for and from Aberdeen’s third sector

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Jul 3, 2023

July edition of ACVO News out now!

This month, ACVO are pleased to announce that applications for Year 2 of the Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund are now live!

Up to £50,000 is available for voluntary, community and third sector organisations in the city to help support their eco-friendly, green projects. Read details of the fund on page 6, and make sure to visit to find out more.

We also showcase our latest ACVO film featuring four of Aberdeen Cyrenians’ volunteers: Graham, Dave, Julie and Graham. They discuss the meaningful impact of volunteering on the charity and it’s users, as well as the personal benefits of giving time to their community.

Another feature in this month’s edition is shmu’s monthly Wellbeing Walks. The ACVO Team were invited along to their Greyhope Bay walk, where group participants expressed the benefits of getting outdoors, exercising and socialising. Read the full article on pages 24-27!

These are your updates and this is your news. 

We are always on the lookout for stories and features – if something is happening in Aberdeen you think we should know about get in touch with ACVO’s Communication Officer Andrew at or ACVO’s Digital Media Assistant Emily at so we can highlight your work.

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