Charitable Trading


This ONLINE workshop is a precursor to the Just Enterprise ‘Establishing a Trading Subsidiary’ workshop. During this session, participants will explore the law and how it applies to charity trading. […]


An Introduction to Social Investment


Social Investment. What is it? Is it for us? What options are there? What are the key considerations? What’s involved? Is your organisation looking to expand and grow? Would you […]


Digital Marketing


Digital marketing can be a cheap (or even free!) way of reaching new customers to promote what you offer and raise awareness of your business. But it can be confusing […]


Sensory Awareness Training (Visual Awareness and Deaf Awareness Combined)

North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Join our Sensory Awareness Training to boost your awareness, skills and confidence communicating with and supporting people living with a significant sensory impairment, including people who are blind or partially […]

It’s Not Fair: Talking about Death and Dying with Children and Young People

Microsoft Teams , United Kingdom

This training course is designed to help educators, youth workers and childcare professionals develop skills and confidence in supporting bereaved children and young people. Tickets: £50 per person Book: […]


Sensory Awareness Training (Visual Awareness and Deaf Awareness)

North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Join our Sensory Awareness Training to boost your awareness, skills and confidence communicating with and supporting people who are living with a significant sensory impairment, that is people who are […]

Sensory Awareness Training (Visual Awareness and Deaf Awareness)

North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Join our Sensory Awareness Training to boost your awareness, skills and confidence communicating with and supporting people who are living with a significant sensory impairment, that is people who are […]

Sensory Awareness Training (Visual Awareness and Deaf Awareness)

North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Join our Sensory Awareness Training to boost your awareness, skills and confidence communicating with and supporting people who are living with a significant sensory impairment, that is people who are […]

Sensory Awareness Training (Visual Awareness and Deaf Awareness)

North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Join our Sensory Awareness Training to boost your awareness, skills and confidence communicating with and supporting people who are living with a significant sensory impairment, that is people who are […]