PVG Duty to Refer

PVG Duty to Refer

Did you know you have a legal responsibility to report harmful behaviour to Disclosure Scotland?

Our PVG Duty to Refer webinar is an interactive session and covers:

your PVG referral obligations and how they relate to a safer Scotland
what conduct meets the criteria for a referral to Disclosure Scotland
how to make a referral to Disclosure Scotland
what happens with the information you provide

Expert staff will guide you through the process, utilising their extensive knowledge of relevant legislation.

All employers involved in providing regulated work must be aware of referral obligations as part of their disciplinary procedures. The PVG Act 2007 places duties on organisations to refer individuals to Disclosure Scotland when certain conditions are met. Information on these duty to refer obligations can be found on our website.

The webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams and can be joined via computer or mobile device using either the Teams app or through the web browser.

If you have any questions, or are interested in a bespoke session for your organisation, please contact us at dsworkshop@disclosurescotland.gov.scot

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