ACVO Opportunities

Volunteering Update

Aug 23, 2023

Volunteer Counsellors


Volunteer Participants

University of Aberdeen

Help Volunteers

Pain Concern

Volunteer update August 23rd – opportunities from Childline, University of Aberdeen and Pain Concern

Here are three of the latest opportunities from Volunteer Aberdeen to help you make a difference and get more involved with your community.

Find out how to become a Volunteer Counsellor with Childline at their upcoming open day; take part in vital research as a Volunteer Participant for University of Aberdeen’s dietary fibre study; or help those with chronic pain by offering emotional support as a Help Volunteer with Pain Concern.

No matter what your interests, skills, age, experience or availability are, there’s a volunteering opportunity suited to you!

There really is no better way to get involved with your community than to give your time and share your skills with your city’s third sector and community organisations. And, if these opportunities don’t suit your interests, don’t worry. There are hundreds more available to browse at and on the ACVO site at

If you have questions about volunteering in Aberdeen or how to involve volunteers with your organisation, contact our Volunteering Services Manager, Mike Melvin at

Volunteer Counsellors


Could you be there for children?

At Childline, our free counselling service for children, a child contacts us every 25 seconds. And thanks to our dedicated volunteers, who do a shift each week, we can offer support when it’s needed most. To make sure it stays that way, we’re looking for more brilliant people who want to make a difference.

After you get trained and set up in your local base, you’ll be helping children and young people who need someone to talk to. Listening to them at first and then offering support, information, or practical advice.

Interested in finding out about becoming a Childline Volunteer Counsellor? Come and visit the Aberdeen Childline team in our new office on Union Row in the heart of the city centre. Meet with our volunteers and staff and find out more about volunteering with Childline!

  • When: Saturday September 2nd – Drop by between 10am and 3pm, without obligation
  • Where: Childline Aberdeen, Suite A, Ground Floor West, Meridian Building, Union Row, Aberdeen, AB10 1SA

For further details regarding this and other volunteer opportunities at our Aberdeen base, or to apply to be a volunteer please: apply online or email: / phone: 01224 973036 for further information/details.

Volunteer Participants

University of Aberdeen

Fancy volunteering in a nutrition study and being part of world-leading research? This is an opportunity to help develop future clinical research into pelvic cancers!

We are looking for men and women over 60 years old, and the overall goal of our study is to explore the mechanism of action of dietary fibre on the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota includes all the small organisms that live in a healthy gut, for example bacteria. And we think that these bacteria enhance the way our body fights cancer cells. As these bacteria are influenced by what we eat, we think that adding specific dietary fibres to a cancer patients diet might help tolerate the cancer therapy better.

If you decide to be part of our study, we will ask you to take 3 different dietary fibre supplements for 14 days at a time. We will ask you to add these to water or orange juice and consume them twice a day. At the first and last day in which you will take the different supplements, you be invited to the Human Nutrition Unit, our study facility, for a test day.

On these test days, once you arrive in the morning, we will receive your stool sample and provide you with breakfast. After breakfast, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire about your quality of life in the last 2 weeks, to assess the effect of the supplement on your health and wellbeing. Lastly, we will take a blood sample 5 hours after breakfast, after which the test day ends.

If you are interested in participating or would like to know more about the study, please click here or email

Help Volunteers

Pain Concern

Are you a good listener? Do you have excellent communication skills? Could you support someone struggling to cope with chronic pain and help them to find a way forward? We are looking for committed and empathetic volunteers to support people who are living with, or affected by chronic pain who access our phone, online forum and ehelp support services.

This is a great opportunity to enhance your communication skills and develop an understanding of pain self-management, while providing a valued service to people living with long-term pain. By joining us you will join a fast-growing and respected service. Due to the nature of the role, successful applicants will be required to undertake a PVG check.

To apply, download and complete an application form on our website at Please send the application and supporting forms to

Closing date for applications: 30th August 2023.

Informal chats to take place: w/b 11th September 2023.

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