
Each & Every Child

Each and Every Child is a new initiative to change hearts and minds on care experience in Scotland. It aims to create a fresh, inspiring narrative to shift public attitudes and improve life chances of children, young people and their families.

About Each & Every Child

How we talk about care experience matters.

Each and Every Child is about telling a new story. This story looks to build and improve public support for the progressive vision outlined in The Promise’s Plan 21-24.

To help with this challenge, Each & Every Child looks to change how we speak about care experience, using framing recommendations from the FrameWorks Institute’s research into public attitudes to care experience in Scotland.

Each & Every Child has produced an easy, accessible toolkit that explains what framing is, why we need to use it, and how you can put it into action yourself.

It is time for change, it is time to tell this new story. Together.

In the video below, Each and Every Child Programme Director Claire O’Hara introduces what is meant by ‘framing’, and how everyone can get involved…

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)

Podcasts from Each & Every Child

Episode 1 – Why We Frame Our Stories – with James Docherty and Roseanna Campbell

Episode two – using the framing recommendations with Oisín King and Jimmy Paul

Episode 3 – Bringing In Context and Speaking About Solutions with Chelbi Hillan, Roseanna Campbell & Oisín King

News and updates from The Promise

The Promise
Corporate Parenting: A Collective Responsibility in Fulfilling The Promise in Aberdeen

Corporate Parenting: A Collective Responsibility in Fulfilling The Promise in Aberdeen

The Promise, launched in 2020, is the commitment made to our children and young people after the largest ever review in Scotland of our care system. The aim is to create equity across the lives of all our children and young people, working to give everyone the best start in life and the best opportunities possible.

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The Promise
New Framework to understand progress towards keeping Scotland’s promise

New Framework to understand progress towards keeping Scotland’s promise

A new framework published today (Wednesday, 18 December 2024) gives the first high-level understanding of progress towards keeping the promise — that the conclusions of Scotland’s Independent Care Review will be implemented in full. The Promise Progress Framework brings together nearly 50 different streams of national data into one place, to start to answer the question of how Scotland is doing as it works towards keeping the promise.

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