Every Friday 2:00PM – 3:00PM on shmuFM online and on 99.8FM
So Why Don’t You?
Friday October 27th 2023
With Nikki and Aiden from Denis Law Legacy Trust
Friday October 27th 2023
Mike on the Mic is in the shmuFM studio with Nikki Fyfe and Aiden Gordon from Denis Law Legacy Trust, giving us all the latest updates and volunteer opportunities with the charity best known for their Streetsport programme.
Their latest news involves work commencing on their third outdoor community sports facility – Willie Miller Cruyff Court. Set to open in spring 2024, the court will include an artificial sports and activity area, basketball and dodgeball courts, mini-tennis courts and a running track.
More information about Denis Law Legacy Trust is also available at denislawlegacytrust.org