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Want to keep up with the latest from Aberdeen’s third sector?

ACVO News September 2024

Read ACVO News – our monthly free digital magazine with updates, opportunities and highlights for and from Aberdeen’s third sector

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Feb 5, 2024

The February edition of ACVO News is out now!

All the latest news, updates and highlights from the third sector in Aberdeen

We are back after the winter break with our first edition of ACVO News of 2024 and we are excited to bring you the latest updates and news from and for Aberdeen’s third sector.

As you may know, we moved offices at the start of December 2023 and are now situated in our new home in the VSA building on the Castlegate. It is great to be back in the heart of Aberdeen and it has been fantastic to be able to invite third sector colleagues into our offices for face to face meetings.

Our door is always open so get in touch if you would like to arrange a meeting with a member of the team. Also, we hope to host an open morning during February so keep an eye out for an announcement soon – we look forward to seeing you there!

This month we take a closer look at Aberlour Futures’ Foundation Apprenticeship Programme in our feature article; welcome Justine Dunbar from SAMH to hear more about their work around suicide prevention in the community; and share the exciting news that ACVO has been successful in a bid to the Scottish Government’s cash-first fund and will be launching a £200k project in the city this year test new ways to help people reduce their reliance on food banks by providing direct cash payments.

We also have the latest from The Promise in Aberdeen, Community Planning and updates from organisations working within Aberdeen’s third sector who make a huge positive impact in our city year round.

These are your updates and this is your news.

We are always on the lookout for stories and features – if something is happening in Aberdeen you think we should know about you can get in touch with ACVO’s Communication Officer Andrew at or ACVO’s Digital Media Assistant Emily at so we can highlight your work.

Read the latest edition below or head over to to find out more about ACVO News, subscribe to get it sent to you free each month and read past editions

More news from Aberdeen’s third sector