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ACVO News September 2024

Read ACVO News – our monthly free digital magazine with updates, opportunities and highlights for and from Aberdeen’s third sector

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Dec 4, 2023

The December edition of ACVO News is out now!

All the latest news, updates and highlights from the third sector in Aberdeen

In the final ACVO News of 2023 we get in the festive spirit with a look behind the scenes of Inspire’s recent pantomime production, ‘The Purple Brick Road’, where inclusivity takes centre stage. We also have a series of new short films showcasing the work of Rosie’s Social Enterprises, and take a closer look at Autism & Neurodiversity North Scotland’s Keep the Promise Pilot Project. 

We would like to take the chance to thank everyone who came along to our AGM last month, it was fantastic to see so many people from Aberdeen’s third sector coming together to network and share ideas – if you were in attendance, have a look at pages 4-5 to see if you can spot yourself in our AGM picture gallery!

One of the takeaways from the AGM was that there is a real appetite for having more opportunities to meet and network with others. With that in mind, we are hoping to host more regular events and meet ups in 2024 – keep an eye out in ACVO News in the new year for details.

We are taking a break for Christmas but will be back with our next edition of ACVO News at the start of February 2024! 

These are your updates and this is your news.

We are always on the lookout for stories and features – if something is happening in Aberdeen you think we should know about you can get in touch with ACVO’s Communication Officer Andrew at or ACVO’s Digital Media Assistant Emily at so we can highlight your work.

Read the latest edition below or head over to to find out more about ACVO News, subscribe to get it sent to you free each month and read past editions

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