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ACVO News February 2025

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Oct 27, 2023

Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund closes for applications in Aberdeen

Due to the overwhelming response and high number of applications received since Year 3 of the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund opened on September 15th, The Partnership Group overseeing the Fund has taken the decision to close the Fund and will not be accepting any more applications as of today, Friday 27th October 2023.

Given the popularity of year 2 of the Fund this was something we anticipated could happen. Please refer to our Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund Guidance for Aberdeen City PDF that was published online when the Fund launched in September. Within this guidance we urged organisations to apply as early as possible for the Fund as “last year the majority of funding had been distributed within eight weeks of being opened”.

The need for funding to support mental health and wellbeing within our community has increased exponentially over the last year. Thanks to all who have submitted an application and shown interest in the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund this year.

If your organisation was planning to submit an application and would like support in identifying other potential grant funding, please do contact ACVO’s Funding Officer, Claire Shaw.  Details about how to get in touch can be found at

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