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ACVO News October 2024

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Feb 22, 2024

Celebrate Aberdeen 2023 parading organisations invited to bid for £1,000 funding pot

Organisations which took part in last year’s Celebrate Aberdeen Parade are being invited to bid for a £1,000 donation to support their work.

The funds come from the collecting buckets carried by volunteers during the annual event. In the years since it started, thousands of pounds have been raised from the generosity of members of the public. One hundred percent of the donations have been used to support projects, run by parading organisations, which benefit the people of Aberdeen City and Shire.

Participating organisations that would like to be considered are asked to apply by Friday, May 3, explaining why they would like to receive the money and highlighting any specific projects which the fund would support. A judging panel will then select a single recipient from all the applications.

Last year, CFINE, a charity and social enterprise which tackles poverty, builds resilience and improves health and wellbeing for and with vulnerable, disadvantaged individuals, families and communities, was selected as the recipient of the collection fund from the 2022 parade.

The organisation, which provides support across the North-east, used the donation to provide a block of 12 ‘cooking on a budget’ sessions at its community training kitchen, Cook at the ‘Nook.

Previous recipients have included Home-Start Aberdeen, which used the funding to help them continue to support struggling families impacted by the pandemic and lockdown and Shopmobility Aberdeen, who used the donation towards the purchase two new wheelchairs.

Celebrate Aberdeen Parade 2023 Picture by Michal Wachucik/Abermedia

“These donations are only possible because of the donations we receive from members of the public who fill our collecting buckets during the annual parade down Union Street,” said Celebrate Aberdeen board member Hayley Barr. “Every donation, large or small, is much appreciated and mounts up to give a welcome funding boost to one of the organisations which does so much to support and help people right across the region.

“With so many participants who do such outstanding work benefiting thousands of people across the North-east, it’s always very difficult to choose just one recipient. We know however that whoever is chosen will use the donation to make a real difference to people who need additional support at this time.”

Around 5,000 people, representing 130 organisations, filled Union Street from end to end during the 2023 parade which took place on Saturday, August 26. The parade recognises and celebrates the enormous contribution which third sector organisations, including charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises, make to the lives of thousands of people in Aberdeen and the North-east. Also taking part were sports clubs, musicians and dance groups who all contribute to, and enrich, the region’s culture.

Planning has now begun for Celebrate Aberdeen’s 2024 events, which are planned and organised entirely by volunteers.

For further information, or to apply, contact Morven Mackenzie by emailing

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