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Oct 13, 2022

Calling all professionals: Home-Start Aberdeen seeks volunteer trustees

Local family support charity, Home-Start Aberdeen, is experiencing a major upsurge in demand for its services for struggling families.

Providing practical and emotional support to around 200 vulnerable families throughout the city every year, the charity’s vision is to help nurture strong families and happy children, believing in a bright future for every child whatever their circumstances. 

In response to the growing demand the charity is currently seeking to recruit several professional trustees and advisors to its board, to provide additional expertise and guidance.  The charity has an existing board of trustees, led by Anne MacDonald, providing a sound framework of good governance. 

We would like to enhance the board’s skills through the appointment of trustees or advisors to the board with a professional background,”

explains the charity’s chair, Anne MacDonald. “Whether financial, legal, commercial, or in HR, retail or IT, expertise and guidance from professionals in these areas would be invaluable for us, and their presence required at only six meetings a year. If you’d like to share your expertise for a good cause but are short on time we would love to hear from you.” 

Anne MacDonald

If you’d like to help Home-Start Aberdeen deliver its vision for every child in the city to have the best possible start in life, please contact Anne on:  

For over 30 years Home-Start Aberdeen has been supporting vulnerable families across the city to prevent family crisis and breakdown.  These families have at least one child under the age of five and are typically affected by social isolation, bereavement, relationship problems, illness, disability and financial hardship. Home Start Aberdeen positively welcomes and seeks to ensure we achieve diversity.  We encourage interest from all regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.   For more information on Home-Start Aberdeen visit   

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