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ACVO News September 2024

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Oct 14, 2022

AFC Community Trust strengthens its Board with New Trustees

Three prominent Aberdonians have been appointed to the Board of Trustees of Aberdeen FC Community Trust (AFCCT).

Geoff Aberdein, Jim Buchan, and Mark Wilson have joined the board of Aberdeen Football Club’s charitable trust which delivers programmes and activities to support communities within two key themes: Education and positive destinations/Football, health and wellbeing.

With a distinguished career in politics and financial services, Mr Aberdein has recently set up his own consultancy, True North.

Mr Buchan has over 30 years’ experience in healthcare, policy and education and has held senior roles in Government in Scotland and Australia as well as the World Health Organisation and contributed to the Scottish Government Covid response. Now a freelance consultant, he continues his work with WHO and is a member of the Advisory Board for the Grampian Health Board transformation.

A passionate supporter of AFCCT, who has led numerous fund-raising initiatives for the Trust, Mr Wilson is Contracts Director at Space Solutions.

All three are life-long Dons’ fans who understand the strong connection between the Club and the local community as well as the power of football in transforming lives for the better.

“With their input and guidance, we will continue to maximise the potential of our local communities through programmes and activities based around football, healthy lives, and education.” – Liz Bowie, AFCCT Chief Executive

Commenting on the new appointments, AFCCT Chief Executive Liz Bowie said: “We are thrilled to welcome Mark, Jim, and Geoff to the Board. Their breadth of experience and wealth of contacts will be positive additions to the Trust, helping us to further raise awareness and attract wider financial support to increase our work in the community and support our long-term sustainability.

“All three have been great supporters of the Trust in recent years. With their input and guidance, we will continue to maximise the potential of our local communities through programmes and activities based around football, healthy lives, and education.”

The AFC Community Trust Board now comprises: James Knowles (Chair), Geoff Aberdein, Jim Buchan, Barry Duncan, Gordon Edwards, Neil Hendry, Emma Stephen, Rob Wicks and Mark Wilson.

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