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ACVO News December 2024

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Nov 9, 2022

Aberlour Futures Early Learning and Childcare Centre has launched a new website

The new website aims to help upcoming and existing professionals further their career in childcare. Serving Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire, Aberlour Futures is a service that provides training courses and qualifications for the Early Learning and Childcare workforce. The new website will be the best place to find useful information on the courses they provide and allows people to register their interest.

Aberlour Futures has over 20 years’ experience of delivering high-quality training and qualifications. They nurture a love of learning to build the skills, knowledge and practice individuals need to thrive in the children’s services workforce.

Whether you’re ready to kick-start your career in childcare, you’re an existing professional or manager, there are courses to suit all levels including:

  • Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) for all age ranges at SCQF Levels 6,7,9
  • Foundation and Modern Apprenticeship Programmes
  • Skills for Work National 4 and 5 Qualifications
  • Multi-disciplinary Safeguarding Training
  • Child Protection Training
  • A wide range of CPD courses for the ELC workforce

All of their training programmes are delivered from our SQA accredited centre. They also provide online courses for learners looking to enhance their skills.

Delighted with the launch of the new website, Service Manager of Aberlour Futures, Mary Crear said: “The new training website will enable Aberlour Futures to be more accessible for our learners. We want to expand the reach of the service, to enable it to grow – not just in the North East, but across Scotland. This new website will propel us into the digital age.”

Find out more about Aberlour Futures and browse their range of courses by visiting:

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