Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Cultivate Aberdeen

Cultivate Aberdeen is a community initiative that provides food-growing and sustainable practice education and facilities to local areas across Aberdeen with a vision to create kind, confident, and connected communities through the power of food growing.

It was established in 2018 by George Bellamy who, believing in the power of small actions, created the charity as the answer to Aberdeen’s need to have a dedicated organisation supporting food-growing in the City and to work with those groups already making a difference within their communities.

Find out more about Cultivate Aberdeen and how you can take part in the project at

By being kind, local, connected, and ambitious we can use food growing as tangible evidence of communities coming together to achieve wider goals around food insecurity, mental health and wellbeing, social cohesion, and intergenerational working.

George Bellamy, Chairman and founder of Cultivate Aberdeen

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021