MISS – Miscarriage Support
MISS is a miscarriage support service – the only early pregnancy loss charity in North East Scotland.
MISS offers a confidential space for anyone in Scotland to receive support, information and advice as well as understand they are not alone after going through miscarriage.
We also offer one to one sessions with any new or existing members.
Meeting at a quiet, relaxing and public space or on Zoom (with or without video) which is flexible for both the MISS volunteer and member to speak. Sessions can vary for duration and how long is required by member, 20 minutes or 2 hours. This time can be used for you to share your experience, cry, ask questions or anything else. We are here to support and listen.
One of our MISS volunteers will be available to speak to you at any time of day. This could be speaking on the phone, Whatsapp or by message. We have a male and female volunteer available to speak. We are open throughout all holidays and seasons as we appreciate that every day can be a milestone or anniversary for your baby.
Support Packs
As well as this support we also source, make and deliver support packs and memory boxes at our offices at Cove, Aberdeen. We have different bags depending on your experience and how you may be feeling now, if you didn’t receive one of these at the hospital or would like to receive one at home please email us at: advice@miss-support.org.uk
Memory Boxes
These are funded, made and delivered by the MISS team to maternity hospitals across Scotland. Items included are candles, flower seeds, teddy bears, scanned card and several other items. These boxes are examples of how you can create memories as well as provide support for you.
How to get involved – Join as a MISS volunteer
Balmoral Hub, Balmoral Business Park, Wellington Circle, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3JG