Advocacy Service Aberdeen

ASA is a local charity and was founded in 1996. We provide an independent advocacy service for people in the city of Aberdeen.

Advocacy Service Aberdeen helps people take more control of their lives and actively participate in decision making by helping them to know and understand their rights and the situation that they are in; to consider the options that are available to them; to express their views and wishes and to make informed choices.

We have specialist services for people with mental health issues, people with learning disabilities; older people; carers; self-directed support and for people who are victims of domestic abuse.

Independent advocacy is a way to help people have a stronger voice and as much control as possible over their own lives.

Independent advocacy is there just for you and to help you get the information you need to make the choices you want.

Independent advocacy will help you to have your say, understand your rights and what options are available to you.

Independent advocacy is not part of the NHS, Local Authority or any other service provider.

Independent advocacy is free and confidential and our work is guided by you.

Advocacy Service Aberdeen
Willowbank House,
Aberdeen business Centre,
Willowbank Rd, Aberdeen AB11 6YG