ACVO Opportunities


ABZ Propeller Fund

Funding available: up to £5,000

Applications close: 31/01/2025

About this fund

Previously known as the Aberdeen International Airport Community Fund, £25,000 has been made available to donate to worthy recipients.

The ABZ Propeller Fund is open to groups, charities, and organisations with links to education, sustainability, and economic regeneration.

Since 2022, £50,000 has been donated to several organisations.

Members of the ABZ Propeller Fund include airport staff, as well as representatives from the local authorities and government.

It meets four times a year with the applications open throughout the year.

How to apply
All applications must be submitted using the standard ABZ Propeller Fund application which can be viewed at ABZ Propeller Fund | Aberdeen Airport. The ABZ Propeller Fund committee meets every quarter to consider funding applications.

Looking for support with funding?

Identifying funding opportunities and writing grant applications can seem overwhelming, especially when the future sustainability of your group is dependent on gaining funding support. 

Our supportive Funding Officer, Claire Shaw, can help your organisation with every step of the funding application process, from carrying out funding searches to proofreading your application.

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ABZ Propeller Fund

Aberdeen International Airport

Funding available: up to £5,000

Applications close: 31/01/2025

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