Funded Training for Professionals who work with young people based on Positive and Transpersonal Psychology

Funded Training for Professionals who work with young people based on Positive and Transpersonal Psychology

7 days of classroom training in Transformational Youth work and Positive Psychology applied to working with disengaged young people, consisting of a two-day induction followed by 5 one-day sessions (spread over 6 months).

This professional training provides transferable skills that can be used in all work with young people

Training Modules include:
Establishing a ‘container’ to hold firmly and positively disengaged young people

● Values, transformational education, a potential orientated approach, relating to more than surface behaviour (values lead to attitudes which lead to behaviour)
● Forming healthy attachment with young people, attachment theory, relational dynamics, mentoring and role modelling. Building healthy attachments through relationship
● Facilitating young people learning skills of self-reflection – awareness of choice and consequence – making choices that get the outcomes that they want
● Reframing – turning challenges/problems into developmental steps forward and into a learning experience
● A transformational approach, mindfulness, becoming a reflexive practitioner
● Mindsets – shifting from a negative (I cannot) to a positive, growth based one – based on work of Dr Carol Dweck
● Group dynamics: process vs. content, stages of group dynamics, the need for both inclusion and self-assertion
● Adolescent and youth development: working with challenging behaviour, conflict resolution. Relating to the deeper need behind behaviour (includes Erik Erikson’s developmental stages)
● Young people and internal multiplicity: finding identity, trying out different identities
● Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry: its value and application to education
● A Coaching approach, coaching skills, and application

Aberdeen Training sessions (7 days spread over 6 months)

  • Induction Session 1: Monday 26th August 2024

  • Induction Session 2: Tuesday 27th August 2024

  • Session 3:  Monday 23rd  September 2024

  • Session 4:  Monday 21st  October 2024

  • Session 5:  Monday 25th November 2024

  • Session 6: Monday 16th December 2024

  • Session 7: Monday 13th January 2025


Please contact Christine Lines via to book your place.

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