5 Aside Football Tournament for World Suicide Prevention Day

5 Aside Football Tournament for World Suicide Prevention Day

10th September marks World Suicide Prevention Day with the theme of, ‘changing the narrative, starting the conversation’. A chance for us all to learn more about what we can do in our communities to break down stigma and create environments where people can talk and also feel equipped to listen. Even the smallest conversations can make a difference.

In the run up to the day itself the North East Suicide Prevention Team, hosted by SAMH are kicking things off with 5 aside football tournaments happening on Sunday 8th September in Elgin, Inverurie and Aberdeen.

The cost to enter is £35 per Team or £35 per person. The Aberdeen tournament is taking place from 6-9pm at Goals at Inverdee Playing Fields, Great Southern Road.

Spaces are limited to 12 teams at each venue and are filling up. To book contact Community Engagement Officer Brian Johnston on brian.johnston@samh.org.uk

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