Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Rosemount Community Centre

Yoga and Relaxation

About the project

As the current cost-of-living crisis continues to dominate the lives of so many local people, Rosemount Community Centre has been designated as a Warm Space under an ACC initiative. To provide an enriching experience, we would like to offer a weekly Yoga and Relaxation class. As a spiritual and physical practice, yoga engages both the mind and body, and regular practice is associated with cardiovascular health, reducing the effects of stress, and regulates the nervous system. Although the Warm Hub will be inclusive to all, it is expected that attendees may come from lower socio-economic backgrounds. This group is particularly at risk of developing anxiety and depression due to the impact of their circumstances on their lives. By offering these classes, attendees can boost their mental health in a social and supported setting.

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity

Funding awarded: £500