Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Wellness Event/Events


Funding awarded: £1420


Project description:

We are a new Parent Council group at Woodside Primary School, the last parent council dissolved in 2020 during COVID-19 lockdown. Whilst exploring how parents would like to be more involved with the school, what came across a real need for parents/guardians in the area to make a connection with other parents. During the lockdown and due to the subsequent exclusion from the playground due to the 2m distancing rules in Scotland for almost 2 years, parents/guardians have been unable to connect with other families in the school setting. We live in a deprived area and the availability for family events or adult exclusive events that would be available for single parents are rare. We carried out a survey and the top answers that people wanted in the survey were a Bingo night and a Quiz night. The grant would support a bingo night for adults only with childcare being provided elsewhere in the school - like the critter keeper, or a magician etc simultaneously. It will also support the quiz night for adults who can bring their children, allowing parents to perhaps make a connection with other parents who have children of the same age or are in the same class/friend.