Last year, funding for Welcome Packs for asylum seekers were sourced through ACVO funding from the Baptist Church. This was very well received by the 100 men residing within the hotel accommodation. Aberdeen City is shortly receiving 100 new male asylum seekers. As our organisation wishes to positively support those using the services and promote their dignity and self-worth, we want to offer welcome packs for the new arrivals. The packs will allow for the individuals to participate in community activities, such as ESOL classes and going to the gym, both of which impact the residents in a positive manner and promote their inclusion into the city of Aberdeen. They promote positive mental health outcomes and help alleviate the stressors of moving to a new city after experiencing trauma resulting in their journey to claiming asylum. By giving them control over their own items such as personal and dental hygiene will help reduce their social isolation of being an asylum seeker residing in hotel accommodation whilst they await their asylum claim decision and ideally help to promote resilience.