Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Families affected by BPD

Type of initiative funded: Counselling


Key priority area: Early intervention


Funding awarded: £2000


Project description:

Support groups have been severely affected by the pandemic. Families with a family member with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) have had additional stress as there has been little access to emotional space for everyone. In many cases this means that the family have to cope with extremely difficult tensions between themselves. BPD affects every person differently and can be very confusing and frightening for their families whether that is due to self-harm or angry outbursts. When everyone is at home this can become very unhappy and unhelpful. There are no services at Cornhill for this community and it is difficult to have an update about their family member due to confidentiality. The funding will provide 10 weekly workshops for family members affected by BPD Support and will cover a range of topics to improve mental health and wellbeing for all.