Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

TAMS Growing Space

Type of initiative funded: Nature


Funding awarded: £9950


Project description:

The aim of the project is to continue the development of the TAMS growing space- a nature friendly community and market garden. In just one year TAMS has made remarkable progress in developing an overgrown unused piece of ground into a productive enjoyable garden. Over 1400 volunteer hours have gone into constructing a gazebo, installing a water harvest system, making a wildlife pond, fruit cages, an orchard and laying out no-dig beds. In 2022 we grew and harvested 300kg worth of garden fruit and veg. This was sold at reasonable cost to the community at our market stalls, with some given to volunteers and some donated to local foodbanks. We aim to build on and increase activities next year, to include: -Weekly volunteer sessions for garden maintenance. -Monthly community days, such as gardening workshops and family friendly nature events. -Regular classes for basic gardening, to give confidence and opportunity for people to try growing things for themselves. -Annual celebration to bring all of our team and supporters together. -Cooking demonstration(s).