Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Supporting vulnerable families


Funding awarded: £10000


Project description:

Recipe for Life is an innovative project, aiming to support low-income families to shop, cook, and eat more healthily. Project development has been based on several years of supporting families with diet, nutrition, cooking and healthy eating issues. Evaluation scores from dozens of families have been uniformly high. Informal feedback from families has consistently confirmed the value of our support. Families become involved through self-referral or referrals from health visitors, social workers, or local voluntary organisations. Each family takes part in a 12-week programme. We will support families with: Healthy eating; Weaning; How to achieve and maintain healthy weights for their children; How to put regular healthy meal and snack routines in place; How to get involved in food growing through the Keep Growing Aberdeen and One Seed Forward projects. We will reduce isolation and loneliness through: 1:1 befriending and home-visiting; Family participation in group sessions; Advice and encouragement to use other local services; Family participation in the project's Facebook group; Additional support from Home-Start, if required.