Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Sunnybank Connecting Together

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity


Funding awarded: £10000


Project description:

Covid-19 has put pressure on many families resulting in isolation, mental health issues, and a lack of social interactions. Sunnybank has always had a wide diverse multi-cultural community and is often the first port of call for supporting new families to the area. New parents would normally attend lots of groups such as parent and baby/toddler, messy play, craft groups and they feel not only have their children missed out but also they have missed out in interaction with other parents and being able to have a chat about their issues and experiences of being new or second time parents. The social aspect of these sessions is paramount to all parties to gain confidence in communication, socialisation and interactive skills. The funding will be used to pay qualified/experienced tutors to deliver relaxed engaging sessions. We would like to promote a more sustainable waste aware living by holding workshops in upcycling clothing, jewellery and other household and everyday items. Classes would include machine and hand sewing, craft/art class to create sculptures, paintings etc from recycled products and mediums. We would also hold local exhibitions to showcase the finished items.