Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Strengthening roots in people, families and communities

Type of initiative funded: Peer Support


Funding awarded: £7500


Project description:

The project will support adults struggling with the effects of trauma and suffering loneliness and isolation in Cornhill, Fersands, Middlefields and St Machars. The activity will be weekly workshops where the group/s can build connections and support each other, while learning about the effects of trauma and coping skills, and include looking after themselves, and their families They will also learn practical tools and understanding the relationships around them. These benefits will strengthen mental health, self-esteem and proved a sense of inclusiveness rather than isolation and loneliness. The workshops will provide a place to be heard and supported, which will begin to build a safe, secure base from which the individuals can start to explore the difficulties they have been experiencing. The overall difference is that the group/s will feel more skilled and confident. This will, in turn, contribute to awareness of maintaining good health and mental health.