Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
Year 3 Awardee
Denis Law Legacy Trust
Streetsport - Volunteer support

About the project
This funding would support a post that would be tasked with promoting the vast opportunities and support that volunteering can offer someone who would like to improve and support their mental wellbeing. Working with all our volunteers 18 years and above they would actively seek and promote to those in need of these opportunities the benefits of what volunteering could do to help support wellbeing. Showcasing proven experiences and impact on wellbeing that working with the trust has had. The post would support volunteers into regular opportunities not just to volunteer but to help improve their confidence and development via, get togethers, celebrations, training and workshops. All creating opportunities to connect with others. Monitor a reward programme that recognises the impact not just of volunteering but the improved level of mental health that volunteering can bring to both individuals and groups They would monitor the impact of improved wellbeing via SHANARRI wheel measurements and showcase to partners and also new volunteers to the benefit of tis work/project. All the above will help strengthen volunteers resilience to hard times and wellbeing and also help create a culture of self help and prevention among the community to mental health and wellbeing issues.
Type of initiative funded: Mentoring
Key priority area: Social isolation and loneliness
Funding awarded: £12000