Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Football for Mental Health

Type of initiative funded: Sport or physical activity


Funding awarded: £10050


Project description:

We will deliver free football and wrap around support for adults, young people and women. Delivery will primarily be at Goals in Kincorth. Our football is free and inclusive for everyone and combines emotional support, relationship building and physical activity. We further run SCQF level 4 accredited courses for players to gain a qualification outside of traditional education. We use football sessions to build trust with disadvantaged and excluded people. Our sessions are always free from judgement and stigma, ensuing everyone feels supported and able to talk to our coaches. When we have built trust, we work with individuals on their particular needs and challenges, supporting them and referring them to specialist organisations e.g. Shelter Scotland, foodbanks, SAMH etc.