Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Seaton Community Hub

Warm Space

About the project

The core aim of our efforts is to help develop and grow an active community centre where numerous groups can meet with likeminded people, offer support to those who need it and help those in our community combat loneliness and isolation and strengthen their mental health. We need computers to allow us to offer training and courses within the centre, in addition there is a lack of technical awareness in the area and now more than ever it is essential, to even contact most GP surgeries requires at least a smart phone. The issue of food and fuel poverty is growing rapidly and to offer a better range of food we need better and appropriate equipment for our Community Kitchen project as well as growing the Pantry service. A plan to set up a clothes library is being worked on. The list is endless but the determination of those involved already encourages us in working to grow and reach even more of the community.

Type of initiative funded: Equipment

Key priority area: Early intervention

Funding awarded: £3500