Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

One Seed Forward

Provision of seeds and talks/workshops

About the project

Our intention is to provide people with free seeds, growing materials and workshops to encourage them to get outdoors more and engage and share with others in the community. We plan to hold a series of citywide events during the year to give away seeds, seed potatoes, pots and growing instructions. We have additionally been in discussion with Aberdeen Libraries and they have agreed for us to use their premises as hubs where people can pick these items up close to home. Many of the locations are in SIMD 1 & 2 areas. We also plan to hold interactive talks and workshops on food growing and garden related activities throughout the city using different libraries. It would also allow us to maintain our space at Grove Nursery for volunteer sessions which are open to all and held weekly and where people can take home the food they help grow.

Type of initiative funded: Food

Key priority area: Addressing poverty & inequality

Funding awarded: £2800