Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

Planning for the Future

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity


Funding awarded: £8164


Project description:

The grant will allow the Network, run totally by older volunteers, to contract with a specialist to meet a few times with the 12 member walking groups in the city individually, walk and talk with them about how they operate, the help they need, how to attract new members, the benefits to their mental health and social aspects and the enjoyment of the countryside. Appropriate training can be arranged; also advice and support where required. The funding will also support volunteers involved in our Spring Fling, Rendezvous, Spring & Autumn Walks along with subsidy to transport to events. These events form the main part of the Network programme bringing members together from across the three authorities to take part mainly in outdoor related activities. Average attendance at these events is 200. They take place in different parts of the region each time and the committee works with the local volunteers to run the events. We also subsidise our events to ensure no member is unable to take part because of low income. The network also subsidises tutor costs and transport.