Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Pet and Companion (PEACE)

PEACE Expansion Aberdeen

About the project

Pet and Companion (PEACE) provides Canine Therapy along with Pastoral Care to people in need of support and companionship. Studies show that the presence of a dog can help lower an individual’s heart rate and thereby reduce their anxiety, especially whilst stroking the animal. The groups of people PEACE visit have been severely affected by loneliness and isolation since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are therefore determined to maintain our successful support of students at Aberdeen University; increase the number of PEACE Teams; and expand our support to include Vulnerable Women in order to try and help reduce loneliness and isolation in the city. The grant will support us to expand and thereby serve more vulnerable people throughout Aberdeen. To do this we are asking for funding for staff costs which would allow PEACE's CEO to manage the project expansion for one year.

Type of initiative funded: Therapeutic

Funding awarded: £1223