Covid has made many families with small babies worried and apprehensive to leave the house. Our breastfeeding counsellors experienced fewer calls for help during lockdown and we are concerned this means parents are not being supported to achieve and meet their breastfeeding goals. We want the funding to pay our breastfeeding counsellor to run our Early days group in Airyhall Community centre. We have been running a group in Aberdeen since 2018 however it was in the free community room in John Lewis. We managed to reopen in Airyhall Community centre at the end of 2020 as John Lewis could not allow us to use the room. Since the closure of John Lewis Airyhall has become the permanent home. We now have room hire to factor into our fundraising. Our breastfeeding counsellor is highly trained and knows when to refer to the infant feeding team at the hospital. She shares information with parents about supporting services such as LATNEM and other social groups run by NCT.