Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

Kadampa Meditation Centre

Meditation Classes for preventative mental health well-being & social support

About the project

This grant will enable to us to further develop our volunteer led centre and as a result to keep our centre open more of the time at a continued low cost to participants as a inclusive, accepting space offering people valuable and empowering skills in both preventing mental suffering and in on-going mental self-care. This grant will enable us to employ another staff member on a part time basis alongside our one full time staff member, helping us to train and support our volunteers. It will also enable us to increase our inclusivity by providing wider and more comfortable chairs for those attending classes, especially those with health issues. They would additionally increase our capacity. The tables are to offer more community meals and increase the social aspect of the centre.

Funding awarded: £14735