Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Health and Diversity Network

Type of initiative funded: Peer Support


Key priority area: Prevention


Funding awarded: £10000


Project description:

Our proposed project is working with some of the communities who have been worst effected by COVID-19 and by the cost-of-living crisis, as well as many where discussion of mental health remains a taboo. The project supports a preventative approach, by increasing awareness around health issues, activities and opportunities, by the circulation of information through Community Connectors and Health Champions within diverse communities. It is also tackling social isolation by creating new networks of individuals and community groups, and in this way links with the fourth funding priority, to provide opportunities for people to connect with each other, build trusted relationships and revitalise communities. Since the project started to be implemented in 2022, we have built a network with 122 health champions in Aberdeen with 4 community connectors focusing on African, Muslim, Polish, and other diverse communities to give everyone the chance to participate. In terms of improvements for year 2, this project will have more of a focus on building capacity within grassroots, minority ethnic, community led organisations, to help sustain aspects of the Health and Diversity Network beyond year 2.