We are seeking funding to launch and support a regular beach clean activity (2-3 hrs. duration) for adults and families, hosted at our location along the coast at Torry Battery, in partnership with EGCP – Turning the plastic tide. We would like to offer this activity a minimum of 3 times per calendar month over a period of 5 months from beginning of May to late September (total 15 beach cleans.) We anticipate reaching a minimum of 200 participants through the project. We believe that this would make a difference for the people of this community by bringing people together safely in the outdoors and engaging in shared meaningful work. East Grampian Coastal Partnership – Turning the plastic tide has done extensive evaluations of supported beach cleaning and as a result of their beach clean programme have concluded that one of the top take-aways from the experience of beach cleaning as a group was a sense of wellbeing and positive mental outlook from purposeful activity and community connection.