Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Film and Craft

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity


Funding awarded: £6988


Project description:

One project would be based at Film and Craft at Aberdeen Arts Centre and would take place over 8 weeks. On alternate weeks, we would show a film. We'd work with a curator to have discussions with you about what films you'd like to see at the Arts Centre. These would be presented in our Café Bar and we'd provide free refreshments - tea, coffee and cake. We could arrange a discussion about the film before or after with a film buff. On the other weeks, again in the Café Bar, we'd host craft sessions. These would be, again, decided in collaboration as to what you would want to do and could be crochet, knitting or stage craft workshops. We'd provide free refreshments again and all sessions would be led by an artist. The other project over 8 weeks would be Concerts at Home. Working with an actor/musician, we would put together a half hour concert that includes songs, poems and stories that would tour to 8 Sheltered Housing facilities in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.