Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Family Foundations

Family Foundations

About the project

Families come in all shapes and sizes, single parents, married/cohabiting parents, stepparents, coparenting, and kinship care, we aim to be an inclusive service, who values and respects the diversity of our community in all its forms. We will work with adults by providing a listening space for them to debrief on how the pandemic has impacted them or where the pandemic has exacerbated existing issues. The impact as we know has been far reaching, such as, bereavement, loneliness, anxiety, treatment delays, deterioration in mental health. For some the opportunity to debrief may be enough in itself; for others they may need more support and we will work in partnership with them adopting a person centred and solution focused approach, aiding them to identify their needs and potential solutions. This is highly likely to lead to referring or signposting them to other third sector organisations such as community foodbanks, counselling support, community activities, citizens advice bureau, Grampian women’s aid. As the service develops and progresses, we will be mindful of the needs of individuals and the service may evolve to include support groups.

Type of initiative funded: Counselling

Funding awarded: £10000