Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

End of Year/Christmas Socials for the African community

Type of initiative funded: Culture


Funding awarded: £1790


Project description:

This event is designed to create a "home away from home" for all attendees. They feel at home and have the opportunity to enjoy their favourite home-made cuisine which they have not been able to enjoy in a long time in a relaxed atmosphere whilst enjoying their cultural /traditional music. This event is expected to cater to about 45 adults and 25 children who will receive Christmas presents on the day. All the members will also have the opportunity to showcase their talents as the event features several games, singing, dancing, jokes, and competitions. With this grant, we will be able to pay for a hall, refreshments, and presents for the guests. The event is open to all members, friends, and their families (spouses and children) and members of the Aberdeen African Community. It reduces the feeling of loneliness and social isolation for members who are away from their nuclear/extended families as they socialise and interact with others. This event provides members and all attendees with the opportunity to relax and enjoy the inclusive nature of Aberdeen, especially with the festivities going on around Christmas time. In summary, members are usually psychologically healed from loneliness whenever they attend this event.