Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Hand of Solace

Elderly Support Service (Befriending Service)

About the project

To reduce social isolation and improve the mental health and well-being of older people in Aberdeen. Our befrienders offer this support by visiting older people and supporting them to access and attend community activities and services (taking into consideration, language barriers for those from minority ethnic groups) and enabling older people to maintain their independence. Older people and their families/carers in Aberdeen report feeling less isolated as a result of being supported to access a range of social /community activities to promote their wellbeing. Service users experience improved family relationships, improved personal management and community connection due to being supported by the project. Older people and their families/carers in Aberdeen experience improved psychological and physical well-being that will help to promote their self-confidence/esteem, and improved mental wellbeing to help them cope and manage their life much better. Older people and their families/carers learn to become more independent due to being supported and empowered to take charge of their support package and the project activities.

Type of initiative funded: Befriending

Funding awarded: £8690