Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

EncourAGE- Sheltered Housing Tenants &"In abooters"

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity


Funding awarded: £6120


Project description:

COVID has decimated our volunteer base. The funding would provide a salary for a Project Worker, Volunteer Expenses, Training, Equipment and Transport for Outings. The main role for the Project Worker is to work with and support volunteers. Engaging with pre-existing volunteers and encouraging and supporting them to continue being involved, planning programmes together and finding new volunteers. Volunteers will then develop relationships with tenants and ‘In abooters’. I believe Dyce has the only Sheltered Housing Complexes in Aberdeen with such a project, where tenants and local volunteers living nearby come together - both benefiting from activities, conversations, company, and fun - improving health and wellbeing and tackling loneliness and isolation.