Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Chatty Café

Type of initiative funded: Peer Support


Key priority area: Suicide prevention


Funding awarded: £4820


Project description:

As we travel slowly towards a brighter year, we have been approached by several registered childminders that are currently struggling mentally. Over these months, the childminders have felt more isolated than ever before, with a local childminder committing suicide and further deaths from long term illnesses too. We would like this fund to support our Aberdeen City childminders, with a staff member and volunteers to coordinate this Chatty Cafe activity. We will run this cafe at Danestone for our 130 childminders that operate across the city once a week for one hour and 30 minutes for 1 year. . This informal setting will help childminders support one another in an informal setting. The Development Officer from Scottish Childminding Association will be invited in periodically to support those that attend, so she can feedback to the SCMA the needs of this profession.