Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Crown Terrace Baptist Church

Aberdeen Welcomes Asylum Seekers

About the project

Asylum seekers accommodated in the city are a new, large, group of vulnerable. The journeys that they have experienced to date, the uncertainty and lack of control around what’s happening with loved ones and family from their home countries, along with the lengthy process of seeking asylum, is a significant risk to their mental health and wellbeing. This situation is something that locals/ services/ volunteers/ community supports have not experienced before in the city and we recognise that to support and plan around their mental health and wellbeing we need to find more out about them as individuals and share info locally to help them make sense of their surroundings and navigate local activity opportunities. The plan for this funding application will be to host up to 4 open events (based around language or geography). Each event which will invite groups of asylum seekers to attend a session that is relevant to their language/geographical area.

Type of initiative funded: Befriending

Key priority area: Early intervention

Funding awarded: £2000